I’ve been advocating for as long as I’ve been using AT3 (approx 5 years now, including very early alpha versions) that the summary field needs to be shown inline on the outline (that’s an awkward confusing sentence), not in a separate column. This alone makes speedy outlining awkward. The way the Narrative Outline displays on mobile versions would be my ideal. And although it is possible to add a summary inline on the Narrative view that is time consuming, as you need to consider the narrative folders and add items via user interface clicks and not only keyboard shortcuts or key presses.
Also, why can’t I bring up totals of scene word counts as a property in the narrative outline and narrative view and have them add through the entire outline? Another feature request which I’d like to see added
The way OmniOutliner handles outlining is the gold standard. But I still prefer AT3 because of its other benefits (visual representations of structure and relationships etc). It would be great though if AT3 streamlined its outlining…
I do want to be clear though, that despite the above, I’m still loving AT3 and it’s invaluable to my workflow.