Hi @Amontillado,
I am with @Peter_T on this (hi again Peter). Obviously, since I started the original referenced thread, duh…
From my side, any open, non-propietary data format (XML, JSON, etc.) would do just fine; or even relational like SQLite. As long as it is possible to round-trip data cleanly and efficiently between TL and something else.
Hi, @MINE, as may have been noted elsewhere, the AT3 file format looked like a process image dump to me at the time of beta testing. Lots of redundancy, and quite dangerous to tinker with.
From the AT developers’ point of view, however, it can be an advantage to discourage the publishers of third-party software: It is clear to me that problems with ill-coded utilities or open source applications will eventually affect the reputation and support of Aeon Timeline. Therefore, focusing on cooperation with a few mainstream applications seems quite sensible to me.
And as I have noticed after all these years here in the forum, almost nobody is willing to even start a Python script, let alone program or improve one. Mind you, I’m not complaining because I can help myself in every way.
But one thing would interest me: Assuming you had the roundtrip capability, how would you take advantage of it?
Python is fun.
I haven’t done anything with automating Aeon Timeline. A long time ago, I wrote a sync utility in Python to keep Scrivener in lockstep with a Word-like word processor on my Android. It was primitive, but it worked.
Mellel is my far and away favorite word processor, but it doesn’t have a mail merge function. I wrote my own in Python, and I also wrote a Mellel style set analyzer which creates a report of what styles are dependent on which other styles.
Both those products, Mellel and Scrivener, have file formats that are completely transparent.
My use of Aeon has been more for documenting projects and correspondence than story generation. I’d like to change that.
Great! Maybe you can update my aeon3obsidian script, there is definitely interest for that here.
It shouldn’t be too hard, it looks like some nodes have been moved or renamed in the JSON part.