Yes, in compare to the .mm format that i.e. Freeplane use as default, the OPML format is somehow limited.
Another limitation of exporting from OPML or .mm to Markdown is that the export or transcoding scripts is mostly limited by the 6 levels of headers that Markdown support, so if you have advanced mind maps with a deeper structure than that, you will not get it correctly “converted/transcoded”.
And, all the exporters and transcoders/converters I have found (open source and free) do not transcribe the mind map to multiple files and folders, it creates the whole mind map as one markdown file with x levels of headers (and no more than 6 levels with headers) the rest is “just” a string of “#”'s because markdown doesn’t support more than the 6 levels.
So say you have a mind map with 15 levels you will have a large job restructuring it into folders and files, and you will need to use a software that do support creating new notes and folders out of selected text, or write a script that does that job…
I have a relatively simple genealogy mind map for one person with 10 levels and 882 “Nodes”, so a relatively small mind map… and it was a nightmare to try to create a useable file and folder structure out of the markdown file exported from Freeplane.
The same problem occurred when trying to use the tools in Scrivener.
It might not be a problem for everyone, specially for small mind maps, but for those that have large mind maps and want them into folders and files, it will be a lot of work getting a mind map file converted to a files and folder structure if you can’t do some kind of scripting/programming.
The only real solution I have found so fare, but not tested yet because I need to clean my Freeplane Project, is to make a Power Query import of a .mm file (or use the import xml in the dev tool), create one or more tables out of that, export to csv and use the csv2md python script found on github, that can create a markdown note for each line in a csv file, and where you can set parameters for what you want to be parent folders etc.
As i wrote, I have not tested this yet…
But if anyone have found some good scripts for when you don’t just want a single md file for your whole mind map, let me know please…
I am thinking about solutions for those that are not scripting or programming gurus…