Adding relationships using parent/child instead of just a list of everything?

In my case
Settings - Data Types - Edit - Relationships - Locations

So I’ve started to add many locations but the list is getting long really fast.
When you hit the + sign to add a location to an event it should start with the parent and move down.

In my case I am running into issues like this:
Planet - City - Building - Room
The cities or bases start having similar kinds of buildings or rooms as child items.

When you go to hit the plus sign for location a huge list comes up of all the locations and if the names are the same like “living room” or “bathroom” you don’t know which one you are selecting.
So all I can do right now is add a really long name with the planet/city/building/room so I can tell the difference.

Maybe all fields don’t need parent/child selections but yea for something like locations I think we should have a choice to use them when selecting our location.