Aeon Template combining 12 steps of the Heroes Journey and Truby's 22 Steps

I created this file for myself and I’m finding fairly useful up to a point. It’s a combination of the Heroes Journey of 12 steps and buried within the 12 steps is Truby’s 22 steps. I’m sharing it as a normal Aeon 3 file rather than template as I discovered the notes I attached as RTF files didn’t follow through to the template format so you’ll have to base your template from this yourself. When you go to Timeline you’ll see the 22 steps going across in date order. Go down to groups and click on Stroy Arc and then click on each of the 12 steps to see them on the timeline. You’ll then get a cascade in chronological order of both the 22 steps and the 12. All these steps sound like an AA recovery program!

Well, I hope you writers find it useful, even for the perusal enjoyment. Don’t forget that each of the 22 steps has an RTF file attached with some notes on that step.

Written on Aeon 3 for Mac.

Good writing folks.


Google Drive link

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