Aeon Timeline 2 import (.aeonzip) hangs on import

Platform & OS Version

Platform: Mac
OS Version: 14.5
OS Language Setting: English

App Version

Version: 3.4.18
Shell Version: 3.4.18
Opening mode: about.editor

Problem Description + Screenshots

I am trying to import an Aeon Timeline 2 file built on the NumberLine template, because this sounds exactly what I want to do. The import keeps asking me to pick the nearest template (I’ve chosen General both times, but other templates get the same result) and then gets to the ‘New Types’ screen. I have a fully functional close button, a fully functional ‘back’ button, and a ‘next’ button that is completely unresponsive.

Steps to reproduce

Attempt to open the file linked on github here

  • Are you able to reproduce this bug reliably?

I only have access to a single .aeonzip file; the application hangs whatever template I choose to import it with.

  • Can you make this bug happen with a clean timeline file?
    n/a. This is an issue with importing files.

  • Does it only happen with a specific timeline file?

Not enough evidence. I’m happy to test it with a different file.

Any relevant files?

See above for link.