An update on the Feature Requests page

Hi all,

As some people have noticed, the Feature Requests page has been removed. It had become quite neglected and out-of-date, so when we moved our website to Webflow for easier editing, we decided not to keep it.

Our top goal right now is to make timelines available online, although we are also working on a lot of peripheral features to support it. These features aim to help people:

  • Use the app more freely, i.e., making settings less restrictive so it’s easier to use the app how you want without having to wrangle your data in a specific way.
  • Use the app more easily, making it simpler to be creative without having to recall exactly what and where to click to get things done.
  • Control and customize what is shared when online sharing becomes available.

We do have some heavily requested features in the works, but I’ve been hesitant to release a roadmap as some features may need to be pushed back in the case of a time crunch. There are many things in flight, but no certain, solid list that we can give at this point.

I do hear your frustration regarding the silence from us on what’s coming. We’re in the process of hiring not only to help with giving updates but also to help us turn feature requests and similar messages into actual conversations rather than just votes.

We understand how frustrating the product conversations have been, and agree it’s not where we want to be. While we are often heads down coding, there are also many days of big conversations about what people need in the app to help their work, and how we can best get there. We’re working towards better balancing the team, and hoping we can do better with conversations and feedback loops soon.

(But please note if you have any technical or account issues, we are always here to help, and we really hope we’re not missing getting back to anyone! Get help and technical support via the support page)


Nice to hear from Aeon Timeline! I’m really rooting for Aeon Timeline as it’s such a unique, well-thought-out, and flexible app; there’s nothing quite like it on the market. I’m glad someone will be hired to keep the company looking alive for prospective and current customers.

If you guys could create a Sync connection between aeon timeline and It would be a game changer for thousands of people.


I understand not wanting to give the impression that certain things will come out soon, just that they are being worked on, but at the same time it would be really nice to know what those features are (and what they aren’t). I assume though that the new staff will help with that :slight_smile:

Just the small update about online stuff is perfect- now I know what to kinda expect.

I like this thinking. Though I’m not currently using Aeon, I’m continuing to pay for the updates as my way of supporting Aeon’s development. My hope is that a future version will make a compelling case for my return to the fold. :slight_smile: