Any way to have Character of a track added to new Event as Participant instead of Observer?

When I am in Subway view and have Character tracks displayed and I add a new Event, Aeon automatically adds it to the top track in my view, then assigns the character of that track as an Observer. Is there any way to have it assign them as a Participant instead?

Also, it would be really handy to be able to add an event to any Track by right clicking on the track.

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Hi Tom, it looks like you’ve found a bug there! It’s supposed to be assigned based on the relationship order in settings. When creating a new event in Subway view, it’s supposed to add it as the first one on the list (usually Participant), but it seems to be setting them as Observer no matter which order they’re in.

The dev team is aware of this bug now and will get it sorted in one of the next versions.

Good call on right-clicking to place an event on a particular track. I’ll pass on the request for that too!

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