Auto save changes on MacBook Air?

I have a Mac studio and a Mac mini, and I sync to/from Scrivener. Once I have made a sync to Aeon and wants to close the timeline I will be prompted if I want to save changes (normal app procedures).
But on my new Macbook Air M2, I just realised I am not being prompted, still it looks like changes are saved anyway (when I check)
I haver not found a checkbox anywhere that controls this. Feel a bit goofy to ask, but where is this controlled ? In Aeon or in Mac ? All units run Sonoma 14.6.1 and Aeon is version 3.4.6
So what causes the different outcomes?



​This is a Mac wide setting, not an Aeon Timeline setting.

​In Sonoma, you can turn it on by going to System Preferences->Desktop&Dock and turning on “Ask to keep changes when closing documents”

See the image below for where it is located:

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Ahaaa & thank you for this Jess

So why did I not set it at first? Probably because over several upgrades of Mac hardware I used the previous TimeMachine data, making the new box as the old one, app and setting wise.
But the brand new MacBook had no “previous” version so it was set up from scratch.