I would find it very useful if it was possible to have constraints that operate on the same logic as before/after constraints, but with date components.
For example, constraining an item to be “after March 3rd” would allow it to be anywhere between March 4th and December 31st of any given year, but not between January 1st and March 3rd. As far as I know, this isn’t possible; the closest you can get is setting it to match the month, and then manually ensuring it’s not March 1st through 3rd, or else setting it to match month AND day of month, in which case the 1st through 3rd of any month would flag as an error.
Another example would be constraining an item to be “after Monday”, letting it be any day between Tuesday and Saturday. This is already possible, but it would be tidier than setting it to “match weekday: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday”.
I specifically work with a fantasy calendar where the seasons have a fixed start and end date, and it would make things a lot simpler to be able to constrain items to be between the start and end date of a season. Sometimes, I have events that happen “sometime between year 5 and year 15, but definitely in the spring”, and it’s hard to place those!