I’m finally starting to try Aeon Timeline (which I’ve been aware of for a very long time!). Normally, I write “as I go,” but I need to try writing more structured things. A screenplay, in particular.
I have a few questions:
I’m currently mainly using the Spreadsheet view, because it’s the one I “understand” best (and that I usually don’t care about “real dates” in fiction!).
But I can’t get into edit mode by navigating with the arrow keys on my keyboard. (= move from one cell/row to another and edit the text within. I can only delete-replace, but not edit. Like I do in Airtable, for example.)
I’ve tried every possible key combination, but without success.
This would be very essential to me!
More generally, I’m a little confused because I realize that AT is extraordinarily powerful, but the few tutorials I’ve consulted only scratch the surface of the software’s capabilities.
I’m talking about YouTube videos or even the resources and guides on the website.
I’ve tried a few changes to the items for fun and experimentation, but it seems too complicated, or it doesn’t react as I expect. (Just a tiny example: I created a “voiceover” type with an indigo color, and yet if I modify an event to the “voiceover” type, the “color” column remains green. It doesn’t matter, just to illustrate.)
For now, I can’t get my head around the Narrative/Outline views (which I suspect would be very useful to me as an author!), and I don’t understand how the views interact with each other.
In particular, I don’t understand the option here:
I don’t understand the point of the Relationship view (I suppose it’s useful, but I don’t “see” how or for what!).
It’s as if I’m missing the elements to grasp all the subtleties of the software.
But I realize it will probably take some time to understand all this!
I’m sorry for having digressed, but it’s mainly the precise question about editing a cell that brought me here!
Thanks in advance for help or suggestions.