Can't find display settings from verion 2

In version 2 there are Display settings like “display duration in title”
How can I display the duration in the title?

I think this menu will help you

Thank you but …
The duration of parents is still not shown, you have to open the parent to see the duration.
I use parent/child very intensive.
Is there a way to solve this?

Hi Jan,

The duration of a parent should be shown without having to open the parent if you have set the duration to be displayed as in the above menu. Are you able to post a screenshot of what you are seeing with the parent open and closed?

Below is a screenshot of what should be displayed with the parent open and closed. As you can see, parent events have now changed in the new version, where they have a separate duration independent of their children, with the duration and range defined by the children displayed in the inspector. However this shouldn’t cause the duration not to display.

The only time that this might occur is if a parent event has 0 duration and so does its child, and they both lie on the same date. However at this point, the duration would not be displayed on either expansion or collapse of the parent.


Hi Jess,

King 1 has a duration of 2 weeks and King 2 has a duration of 3 weeks.
The start and enddates of parent Dynasty 7 are calculated form the childs as was common in version 2. The parent has no other start or end date, its is defined by his childs.



From your screenshot it looks like the duration is not being displayed for any event (not just the parent ones). Are these screenshots from when you had the setting on to display the duration on the timeline (from the menu that is displayed in the post from Serabale?) If so, is it possible for you send through your timeline file to and we can look into why it is not displaying?

However based on your parent’s dates, it looks like the value that you want will not be displayed if we can get it working for you. In version 2, the parent’s range was calculated by its children. In version 3, the parent has its own duration (defined by dates in the inspector) and also its child range duration (the duration defined by its children, if they fall outside the parent range). Currently only its own duration is shown, so if we get the durations displaying on the timeline, your Dynasty 7 event will still only show a duration of 0 seconds, which I gather is not what you are after.

We are planning to look into ways we can tidy the display on the timeline of parent/child ranges and durations, and improve its usability.

You are rigth, in the test file I forgot to set duration to display, sorry.
And yes then the duration of the childs are good but not the duration of the parent, that was my point.
Thanks for looking into that.