Can't find "Sync properties" for sync documents

I’m running Aeon Timeline Version: 3.4.14 (other details below). I see reference in the help files to sync properties in which you can, for instance, link custom metadata in Scrivener with fields in Aeon. However, when I go to Sync > Sync Settings > Show Options, all there is is the details of relevant narrative and entity folders to be synced. Where can I find the Sync Properties for sync documents? (Also missing are Sync Relationships for entities, though I haven’t used that.)

Shell Version: 3.3.20
Opening mode: about.editor
Operating System: Mac OS X 15.0.0
Device Model: Mac14,3

Hi David,

These are configured beyond the initial screen. If you click on Next on the first screen (the one you have posted a screenshot of) you will be taken to them.

Have a play around and refer to the help docs but it’s relatively self-explanatory.


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Thanks Andrew. For some reason that ‘Next’ button was invisible to me, even though it is clearly there :upside_down_face:

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