Configuring Scrivener/AT sync to link Sync View=>TImeline=>Info Panel

Hello Everyone, Apologies in advance if the answer is obvious; I’ve tried to suss it out on my own but…
I am syncing AT with Scrivener. My folder structure in Scrivener is straightforward–a series of chapter folders, each containing one or more scenes–but the chapter order is not chronological. There is much going forward and back, as different characters experience (some of) the same events. I have created Time and Location metadata for each chapter folder in Scrivener (but not for each scene).
I have also added discrete events–births, deaths, hurricanes, whatever–to the timeline view. Some of these are purely fictional; some are actual historical events. The totality of the timeline extends from 2022 to 2125.

Things get complicated.

I think there are two (and a half) things I’d like to be able to do (unless there is some better approach that I’ve failed to understand):

  1. I’d like for each chapter folder in Scrivener to appear automatically in the timeline view, with its duration defined by the Start and End dates I entered in Scrivener.
  2. I’d like to be able to click on a Chapter in the Scrivener/Sync view (leftmost column) and have the Timeline view scroll to display that entry in the Timeline, and I’d like the Info panel for that chapter to display the full info for that event. I’ve tried to illustrate this in the accompanying image.

This seems like a pretty obvious good thing to me, so I’m braced to hear that there’s an obvious approach that I’ve somehow failed to understand. Again: apologies in advance.


In regards to your first point, the reason that your chapter folders would not be automatically shown in the timeline view is because they would be synced to the Narrative Folder type, which is not set to display on the Timeline View.

From the image you are showing it looks like you have manually changed these to be event types so that they display on the timeline? If you want them to appear automatically when syncing, then it would actually be easier just to change it so that Narrative Folders can be displayed on the timeline. You can do this under the Item Types tab in Settings ( the cog icon). Pick “Narrative Folder” from the list, and tick “Timeline View” under the “Show In” menu.

In regards to your second point, when you click on the chapter in the sync binder, it will display in the inspector on the right the item in Aeon Timeline that it is linked to (Under the heading “Linked Items” next to “Timeline”). If you click on this with Timeline View open, then it will scroll to the event and select its information in the inspector.

Let us know if you have any more questions.

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Oh my! There it is! Thank you so much.