Convert from Day Count to Calendar

Re Date Options, I am trying to convert from Day Count to Calendar, but no matter what I do Aeon will not let me set Day 0. I enter a valid day, but Aeon automatically changes it to Sunday 24 December 2000.

Unfortunately there is currently a limitation on Day 0 that it has to be set on a Sunday.

We are looking to expand this so that it can be any day in the future, however in the meantime if you are wanting to convert your timeline file to Absolute Dates as a one-off (ie. you are finished with the relative dates and don’t want to switch back to them) then if you send us your timeline file to, then we can manually update the file for you.

However if you are still wanting to switch back and forth between the two, then this would not be a solution, as you would encounter the same problem each time.