Date keeps resetting to the year 2001

Platform & OS Version

Platform: Windows
OS Version: 10.0.22631 Build 22631
OS Language Setting: English

App Version

Version: 3.3.12
Application Shell: 3.3.12

Problem Description + Screenshots

I am attempting to set up a custom calendar for my Science Fiction novel. The calendar starts with year 1, as the culture begins a new calendar when they leave Earth. When I try to add a new event to the calendar, the date picker keeps insisting on changing the date to 2001. I have set the date override in settings, but it isn’t helping. This seems like a Y2K bug in reverse lol. It’s extremely extremely frustating and making this app basically useless. I do not recall having this issue when I used this app several years ago.

Steps to reproduce

Create a calendar.
Try to create events for the first year in that era.

  • Are you able to reproduce this bug reliably? Yes to a frustrating degree
  • Can you make this bug happen with a clean timeline file? Yes
  • Does it only happen with a specific timeline file? It would literally happen with any timeline file

This is an issue at the core of the program I think

Sounds odd. I’m using Aeon Timeline 2, and I can’t reproduce this.
Have you tried the following:

  • Move to the year 1 in the timeline view and add an event by double clicking.
  • Enter “0001” instead of “1”. This is how the year is displayed with my timeline.

Good luck,

Oh yes I’m typing 0001 and creating the event by double clicking works fine, but when I change the time it changes to 2001.

Then it actually looks like a bug. This must not occur with timeline software.

My spreadsheet has a convenience function that automatically completes two-digit years. You can set the range and the century, but you can’t switch it off. Also with yWriter it is impossible to enter years under 100, so it can’t work with a story about Julius Caesar.

The only quick fix for Aeon Timeline that I can think of would be to revert to version 2. If I am not mistaken, it is still available for download.

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Oooo version 2 I think was the one I used in the past, I’ll see about getting it. Thank you!

If you open Settings (the cog icon), is the checkbox “Convert 2-digit years to current century” ticked? If so, then this uncheck it and see if you are still seeing the issue.

If you are, then if you could send through your timeline file to, then we can look and what the issue is.