Different zoom levels per split view

It would be really welcome if you could have different zoom levels per split view. Often times I will have one view where I want to keep a broad overview while in another I work on some details. It would make much sense if I could zoom in in one and out in the other.


Are you talking specifically about zooming on timeline view (based on dates) or the optical zoom that is present on all views?
If you are talking about the timeline view date zooming, then you can set this to be different for two different split views. If you have a split screen with different timeline views open, then if you click the lock symbol on the bottom right of the tool bar, this will unlock or lock scrolling/zooming of timeline view. If it is locked (highlighted in blue), then when you zoom or scroll, all split screens will follow the same action. If it is unlocked, then you can have different zoom levels and scroll positions for each split screen. Note that this is only for the time based zooming, not optical zooming.

I mean the overall zoom. If e. g. I have a narrative outline and a mindmap in different splits I might need totally different zoom levels for both. Or two mindmaps, one zoomed in for some details, the other giving a broad overview.


I second Rob’s request.

It would be great to have spreadsheet/outline views with legible text and panorama subway views at the same time.


Funny, just today I was confronted with this problem again and considered posting it in the forums, actually not remembering I obviously did it already.
I wanted to have the narrative view in the upper split screen and the subway view in the lower. But a zoom level that makes sense on the subway view results in very, very small objects in the narrative.

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