Duration Display (and Input) Format -- Can it be Changed?

Is there a way I can specify how I want the duration displayed?

I’m using the Daily calendar style because the actual date just does not matter; the relative day is all I need.

However, the duration display is limited to days and smaller time units. So, I have to keep mentally converting back and forth when looking at durations.

My max precision is set to seconds, and if an item has hours, minutes, or seconds, it shows all that, but it only goes “up” to days.

Is there a setting I’m missing where I can change how the duration is displayed so that I can see months and years, too?

For that matter, this question would apply to input format as well – it would be great to be able to input 35 years instead of having to calculate that out to 12775 days to be able to input it. :slight_smile:

No, currently this isn’t something that is available.

The idea of the daily calendar is to setup your timeline system without knowing precise dates. Therefore if you add something like a duration of 1 year, his could be 365 or 366 days in the Gregorian calendar depending on what the underlying year would be on that day. This makes it slightly complicated to implement converting the duration to months and years, and can make it confusing to users as only the Day is shown.

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Drat, but, OK & thanks. :0)