Event Id Not Showing

Platform & OS Version

Platform: Mac
OS Version: 12.4
OS Language Setting: English

App Version

Version: 3.2.17
Application Shell: 3.2.17

Problem Description + Screenshots

The event id no longer shows in spreadsheet view or the inspector panel. There is a column for the spreadsheet view but no entry. Its visible in the timeline. I use the event id as part of the filename for links and attachments so its important for me to be able to see it everywhere.

Steps to reproduce

Any relevant files?

Screen Shot 2023-08-20 at 3.07.00 pm

Screen Shot 2023-08-20 at 3.07.59 pm

Screen Shot 2023-08-20 at 3.09.41 pm

You may need to set this in the item type’s compact display settings.

Open Settings (the cog icon), then Data Types, then Edit.

Click on the type that you wish this to apply to on the left, and then on the panel on the right under Compact Display choose Identifier from the dropdown list.

This should then have the item identifier appear in the Spreadsheet View and Inspector (you may have to move away from the Spreadsheet View and back again to update it).

Let us know if this doesn’t solve the issue for you.

CRICKEY! I never would have found that! I

didnt need to do this for the trial, was there a change in version 3? May I suggest a radio button or something easier?

And what does COMPACT DISPLAY refer to? It doesn’t refer to the spreadsheet however the event number was missing there as well.

Compact Display refers to spaces where display is limited.

It isn’t something that is new in the latest release, so we are not sure why your setting may have changed for you. We will keep an eye out to see if this problem occurs for other users when updating.

I just updated today (I don’t recall what version I was on prior to update, but it was 3.x), and saw this as well. The steps you provided, Jess, worked --thanks! Just odd for it to have disappeared on update, so I’m adding my info in case it helps track it down if more users are affected at some point.

Platform & OS Version

Platform: Windows
OS Version: Windows 10 Home
OS Language Setting: English

App Version

Version: 3.2.20
Shell Version: 3.2.18

Device Model: GS76 Stealth 11UG

Problem Description + Screenshots