Events show up as clues

I’m new here and tried to create a clue data type that can be associated with events, etc. I tried to copy what is in the Orient Express example but apparently, I did something wrong. When I open the Clue sidebar panel, it shows all of the events as well. If I delete an event from the sidebar, it deletes it from everywhere. If I add an event, in the spreadsheet view, it also shows up in the clue sidebar view.

Any thoughts about what I might be doing wrong?

View - Advanced Settings - Data Types - Edit - Item Types - Pick your Clue - Allowed Parent Types - uncheck the checkbox Event


Hi there, I am trying to do something very similar, but the option “Allowed Parent Types” turns up nowhere in my interface. What am I doing wrong? I just want to have group which comprises tasks with differently named types, like main task, subtask, etc.

Allowed Parent Types is shown in Advanced Settings.

To open Advanced Settings, open Settings (the cog icon), then the Data Types tab, then Edit. (this is slightly different than what is listed above, if this is the issue).

Click on one of your item types on the left panel (eg main task), and then scroll down the right panel. There should be an Allowed Parent Types heading above the Properties heading. If the item you want is not created yet, you can add it to the left panel by clicking Add at the bottom.

If not, are you able to post a screenshot of this panel in the Advanced Settings?