I’ve got a complex story universe with lots of backstory I need to keep track of, but without having it intruding into the actual story I’m writing. Plus, I’ve got lots of flashbacks. There are a number of references in the documentation to these subtypes of Events (as well as (Flash Forward").
For example, the “Settings: Data Types” article states that the fiction template will have the option of including ‘Flashback’, ‘Flash Forward’, ‘Story Arc’ and ‘Backstory’ items.
The “How To Track Your Story vs. Backstory” article states that, within Fiction templates, these event types can be added using “Timeline Settings” under the Data Types tab.
I have never yet found a tab called Data Types. I have been guessing that whoever wrote the documentation meant Item Types — if so, the documentation should be corrected to use the actual terms the software itself uses, to avoid confusing us users. Regardless, I find nowhere in the Fiction templates any Backstory, Flashback, or Flash Forward event types. (I do, however, find Story Arc. Thanks for that.)
After a lot of frustration, it finally occurred to me that maybe I have to create these event subtypes myself. Is that indeed the case? If not, what am I missing?
And if it is the case, please say so in the documentation so that other people don’t have to go through the same frustration that I have!