Filters hide other items

For example, in the subway view, filtering the characters still gives me the lines all the characters – not what I wanted, which is to hide the lines of other characters and only keeping the lines of the characters I want. Is there a way to do that?

And in the mind maps, filtering characters simply fades out the filtered-out ones. Can I make it hide them completely?

And while I was checking, the relationship view does the same thing: hide unassociated events, not hide unassociated characters. I think that’s where my problem is. How can I make it hide unassociated characters?

Thank you!

In regards to Subway View and Relationship View, you can remove the character lines/columns by clicking “Choose Tracks” (Subway View) or “Choose Columns” (Relationship View) in the top left corner of the view.

You can expand the character list by clicking the arrow on the left of “Character” and then you can choose which characters you want to display. This will then get rid of all the rows/columns of the other characters.

Unfortunately with mindmap view there isn’t a way to remove the filtered out characters instead of fading them. This was done intentionally, as it could cause problems if people were to move around items on the mindmap without seeing the whole thing, resulting in items placed on top of one another and in weird positions.

Well I don’t see how that’s a problem. You can already move stuff on top of one another when things are not hidden. And anyways this can always be made into a setting, like “fade opacity” and that stuff where 0% is completely hidden and on the other end it could be perhaps a cap of 50% or something.