Geotags for battle timeline

Hello; Creating a Timeline on the Battles of the American Civil War and would line to include geotags for the battle location (e.g. [34°44′28″N 85°00′56″W]). IS that possible… can they link to say a goggle maps or…


Hi John,

There are a couple of things that could work for you here.

You could either create a new Geotag property field for your events or use the Files & Links panel in the Inspector to create a clickable link to Google Maps:

Opt 1. Geotag Property Field
Create a new Geotag property field on your events.

Set Up:

  1. Settings > Properties > Click Add (bottom left of panel)
  2. Name: Geotag
  3. Format: Single-line text
  4. Applies to Item Types: Event
  5. Click OK

Populate the Geotag field:

  1. Select an event
  2. In the Inspector, locate the Geotag field you just created in the Properties panel
  3. Paste in the coordinates

Make the Geotag visible on the item card on the timeline:

  1. Open the Item Display menu
  2. Check the box for Properties > Geotag

Repeat for all your events with Geotag coordinates.

Opt 2. Clickable Link to Google Maps

In Google Maps

  1. Paste the geotag coords into the search field.
  2. Right-click the marker icon
  3. Select ‘Share this location’
  4. Copy link

In Aeon Timeline

  1. Select an event
  2. In the Inspector, locate the Files & Links panel
  3. Go to Files > Links > +
  4. Paste in the URL from Google Maps
  5. Use the Title field to paste in the Geotag or the name of the location

A clickable link should automatically appear on the event, but if not:

  1. Open the Item Display menu
  2. Check the box for Attachments > Links & Attachments

Let me know how you go!