Historama project - authors, composers, painters by eras on a timeline

Hello there,
I try to put together some authors, painters, scluptors, composers, discoveries, inventions etc.
I don’t have any experience with Aeon timeline and I wonder how can I do (better ?).
From “Create new…” I choosed Historical and from there Creative Works because I saw compositions, artwork , literature.
I understand that “creative WORKS” is something else as “creative PERSONS” but in this template I observed that in the advanced settings at relationships there are Scluptor/Sculpted, Composer/Composed, Painter/Painted etc. but I didn’t found how can I set up a person to be an author or a composer etc.
Perhaps this first question of mine isn’t the proper one. Perhaps the template isn’t the proper one.
What I would like to do is also the spliting by eras (medieval era, renaissance era, baroque era, classical era, romantic era, 20th century/modern era, 21st century/postmodern era) and (can I be so impudent?) nationality.
No, I don’t want to put there their works only some discoveries, inventions or some historical events.

Perhaps I recive here some hints how can I better change the settings of (this? another?) template.

Thank you very much

The way the Creative Works template is set up, is for the user to add events that are a creative work, such as an artwork or a composition, and then they assign a relationship between a person and this work - this is where the Composer/Composed relationship is used. If you add a Composition event to the timeline, and create a new person, you can then assign a relationship between them via the Relationships tab on the inspector, essentially setting that the person composed the composition.
The template is set that you just set everyone as a Person entity, and assign their different relationships to the different works. If you specifically wanted to define them as authors/painters etc. you could create new entities in the advanced settings which are like the “Person” entity, but called “Author”, “Painter” etc.
These could then be assigned to your events.
If you are just wanting to have some historical events, not works, then perhaps the more general Historic Timeline would be better.
You can use calendar markers to mark different eras on your timeline. You can read about how to add them here: How calendar markers replace bookmarks - Aeon Timeline 3 Knowledge Base

Jess, thank you very much for your hints.
I understand now a bit more how can I make a structure for my project.
I made some new entities like the Person and in a way I get on. I made also some categories and I have a small problem: one person in more categories (let’s say musician and author).
