How can I transfer my files from a laptop to a PC?

While travelling I’ve been working on my novel on a laptop (Win10). Now I’m home (for reasons of ergonomy), I’d like to switch to working on the same novel on my Win10 desktop PC.
I may simply be using the wrong words to ask the question, but there doesn’t seem to be anything in on this support forum that touches on the issue.
I assume I can copy the novel database onto a USB stick and transfer it to the PC, but I can’t figure out what the database might be called or where I can find it.
Can anyone point me to the right place to to find the answer on this support forum.
Or tell me how to do what I want to do?
Many thanks,

Aeon Timeline 3 project files have the extension .aeon.
Simply copy these files wherever you like and double-click to start Aeon.

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Very many thanks for your quick reply, Peter!