How do I export to Web/HTML?


Aeon Timeline 2 had a simple export to website that was key to our use case. Where has this feature been moved to in Aeon Timeline 3?


If I recall correctly, Matt and the gang wanted to provide an HTML export that would support the many robust features of AT3. In order to do that it would have pushed the release back considerably. Thus, the feature will come, but this first iteration lacks HTML export.

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Amazing! If it’s still in development, can I request an option so that if you hover over an item, it pops up with the item’s name?

I work with very long timelines for my novel (over years or even decades or centuries) and when you’re zoomed out to only see 1 year, you can’t even see what the bars are.

I hacked in my own feature using Javascript, but it’s buggy and obviously doesn’t play 100% well with the native code since all the Aeon Timeline stuff is obfuscated.

Thanks Kelly!

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That’s a great idea!

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For reference, we documented that particular decision here:

On the other point: here is a screenshot from our version 3 app when you hover your mouse over an item (mouse not shown in screenshot, but it is on that big purple bar):

Great minds think alike, I believe?

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