How do I use files from version 2?


just trying out the new Aeon Timeline 3. As an old customer (had licenses for versions 1 and 2) I wonder how I can use my old files? Opening the iCloud folder where I keep them, Aeon Timeline 3 shows no files that can be opened (version 2 shows them all). And there is also no menu item for importing them.

I assume that I miss something obvious and I’d be grateful for anyone to point out to me what it is :wink:




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I believe version 2 had a file format change to aeonzip halfway through its lifecycle. I can only see those because I no longer have files from the earlier format. Perhaps version 3 can only see aeonzip files?

Are your old AT files aeonzip? If not then you’ll need a newer version of AT2 to convert them to aeonzip.

I’m hazarding a guess here so hopefully someone in the know could correct me if I’m wrong.

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Make sure it’s the correct folder! The new app might create a second iCloud folder that’s also called „Aeon“, because Apple recognizes it as a different app.

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Thanks, Rob - that’s the solution! And indeed then the conversion works well.
By the way, the iOS version of Aeon Timeline 3 did not have the folder problem.
Now it’s solved, I hope others find the information useful. Many thanks for your help!

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Oh yes! I had meant to create a Knowledge Base help article about the two folders issue.

I will try to do it tonight.

There are annoying “Apple was being a jerk” reasons behind this, but I will spare you the details!


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