How does Aeon decide what order to put items in for CSV export?

I’ve been playing around with exporting my data from Aeon lately so I can have a backup. So far so good, some small hiccups, but that’s alright. I just realized that the order of items in the export seem random, but are also consistent. So there has to be a way the program is deciding this.

If I have a set of relationships between characters, like Extended Family, they’re ordered like this:

But when I export the csv file, I get:


It’s not the order the Relationship View is in (which side-note, I would still love to be able to move that around and rearrange people), it’s not character number order, alphabetical, or chronological order, and I just can’t tell if there is a reason to it.

It is currently based on an internal id, but we will look into changing this so it is more consistent.

In regards to characters on Relationship View, on Mac and Windows you can drag and drop the characters in the columns of this view to change the character order.

Thank you, Jess!

And I know you can change the order in the left side panel, but I don’t think you can rearrange the order if you’re looking at the relationships of a particular item. Unless I’m mistaken?

When you are looking to change the order are you talking about the list of relationships an event has in the inspector (like your first screenshot), or the columns of the grid in Relationship View (which shows the intersection between events and other entities like characters)?

You can drag and drop the columns of the grid in Relationship View to change the order, but you can’t drag and drop the list relationships in the inspector.