I have a lot of events that happen over hours and days, then some that years ago. If I put in accurate relative dates this creates a huge gap in the timeline that I then have to scroll back and forth on. I’m wondering if anyone has any tips for how to handle this, so that dates are accurate but the visual gaps in the timeline aren’t so great? Any tips would be much appreciated!
You could just switch to spreadsheet view for tasks that concern a broader overview.
Maybe bookmarks could help as well for jumping to certain key events, but I don’t have much experience with those.
Thanks for those suggestions Rob. I’m not really familiar with bookmarks so I’ll look into those. Having a way to jump immediately to key events could help quite a lot. The spreadsheet view is helpful but loses the visual information inherent in a timeline. What would be great would be to have a way to put a “break” in a time so that some symbol like a hashmark or a couple slashes would indicate a break.