It's Alive! Well, we have "soft launched"

Yeah, it is looking a bit odd at Apple. It is not following the pricing structure we have set, so we have opened a support ticket with Apple.

We are wondering if they won’t accept a higher “introductory price” and will only accept a lower one, but don’t document that anywhere.

Typical Apple approach to things:

  • suck them in with a low price, and then push it up once you have them tied in.
  • I much prefer to reward loyalty instead

It is likely we will hide the subscription option within the in-app purchases until it can be resolved.

It will still be there for anyone who has already signed up, and we will hope to introduce it again as soon as we can get the pricing resolved.

But while it is there, feel free to grab it at the lower price if you want to sign up for the subscription at the same time. We will be happy to take the order!


Cangrats! Huge changes! Mind map, types of relations and its visual representation, speadsheet view - that’s exactly what every lawyer like me needs! I was searching the app like CaseMap by LexisNexis. Aeon Timeline is not classic database but it gives much more in a sense of work and analyse with a complex legal material. Don’t stop guys!