Keyboard support for spreadsheet entry of properties

The spreadsheet view is great for the quick addition of entries however it falls down if there are properties such as list or yes/no included as the values of these cannot be set via the keyboard (with tab or enter). Unless I am missing something?

I’m on a Mac using 3.0.9.

You should be able to edit lists just by moving focus into the cell and hitting “Enter” to open the list. You can then use Up/Down and Enter to select a new option.

Toggling checkboxes is an oversight we missed. On Windows, it doesn’t work at all. On Mac, you can actually edit it by hitting space twice (you will hear an upset Mac chime telling you off after the first one).

This is on our list to fix up, so that the Space bar toggles the checkbox correctly in both.

Apologies. yes - you are right. Enter does work. My issue was that i was trying to
use tab as that works for making selections in a relationship dropdown and is the more logical approach (I think). When you hit tab in a list property drop down however you are left in limbo on the keyboard and need to resort to the mouse to complete the selection as Enter does not work at that stage.

We will look at the bug of the vanishing focus when tabbing inside a dropdown.

I wouldn’t necessarily agree with tab being the more logical approach for opening the list though.

If I was to list the keys I would expect might open it, I would try Enter, then Space, and then give up. Tab wouldn’t have even factored into my thinking.

The important thing though is to try to replicate whatever is standard on the OS, so I will test a few Apple made applications and see if I can find an equivalent.

In Excel, if you select a list item in a drop down using the enter key the value is added but you are moved to the next row. Tab makes the selection and moves you to the next column.

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Oh sorry, I misunderstood. I thought you were referring to the key to open the list.

Yes I agree that tab should select and move on if the list is already open. We did make it do that in e past, so an issue may have crept in.

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