Lines between events v2

Is it possible the way the lines are drawn between events is changed?
Why is it the way it is now?
red with cross is the current situation, green is requested

It’s been a while since I used version 2. Take me with a grain of salt.

It looks like Event 2’s parent is Event 1, and Event 3’s parent is Event 2.

All good, but I suspect Event 3 has a constraint saying it has to start before the start of Event 1.

Additionally, you probably have Event 1 and Event 3 locked - but I don’t know how much of this applies to version 2. I was able to duplicate your red line in version 3 with constraints and locks.

Hope that helps.

If you define a contraint between events you get the situation I drawed with a red line but I want to be able to define a constraint where ie event 3 is 10 year after the start of Event 2, drawn in the way I showed with the green line.

I wish I remembered enough about version 2 to help. Version 3 works the way you want (I think).

Here’s three events in version 3. Event 1 is parent of Event 2, which is parent of Event 3. I added a constraint to event 3 saying “start is after end of event 2”.

In your example there is no constaint between Event 1 and event 2. There is one between 2 and 3 but not with an Offset. I think you did not understand my question. Using Offsets I want to change the way the connection lines are drawn,

Apologies. I don’t remember enough about version 2. Version 3 has an offset constraint that seems to work the way you want and uses a green line.

Hopefully someone else can offer better information.

Are you able to post a screenshot of what it is showing on the app? This will help us work out what you are after.