Looking up dates in Search Field yields nothing

Hi. I have a timeline so far with just over 5000 events, with every event having a date. Yet, when in the search field I type ANY date that DOES exist in my timeline, it comes up with a blank. So no results. What am I doing wrong? EVEN if I type in, say, “December” (I have dozens and dozens of entries happening in December) it yields nothing, unless the name ‘December’ is part of an entry text.

I’d really like to just be able to type in, say, ‘January 6, 2012’ and then, provided of course I have entries on that day, those popping up in the timeline.

Unfortunately the date field is not something that is available for searching currently. I can add it to our feature request list to look at possibly adding it in the future.

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Thank you very much for your reply. That would be a huge upgrade for me, and I’m sure a lot of other people as well. Thank you!


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