If I have a Parents / Children relationship for Characters, and export it, we only get ‘Parents’ in that data. So all of the ‘Children’ characters have their parents listed, but none of those parents have any ‘Children’ listed. The column isn’t even there in the csv.
Even if I have a Romances/Romances bi-directional data point, it again defaults to just one side. If I export that data, it will show that John’s Romances include Jane - but Jane’s Romances will be blank.
Same thing if I try and tie together events and people. The People will have the Events in their column, but the Events will not mention the People.
I love using Aeon because it gives me the data from both sides and I don’t have to remember to type it in twice, but if it only shows up once in the export then I end up having to put it in again anyway.
I asked about something similar almost two years ago in regards to Scrivener. Only now I realize it doesn’t work for bi-directional relationships either if I’m just looking a the csv data.
Please allow Aeon to export with both sides of a relationship being accounted for.