I’m a novelist who uses AT3 to keep track of many, many books in a series, all in one Timeline, often with story arcs that carry from one book to another. I’ve been hand-coding all of these into series-based Timelines with varying degrees of accuracy and success, but having finally learned how to actually sync events/times/characters/etc on a granular level with Scrivener/AT3, I was surprised to discover that I can’t gracefully sync multiple books with continuing story arcs into one Timeline!
I understand the backward sync part could be a problem, but realistically, once a book is done, most writers aren’t going to need to re-sync it back into the timeline. It’s the ability to add more, and for story arcs to continue the same way characters do, that would be incredibly helpful.
I know a number of writers personally that this would be game-changing for, and would be very excited to see this feature implemented.