Nested sources?

Just started using this app for legal case chronologies. I designed my own solution in Filemaker a few years back, but it was too clunky in use. The legal case template is quite similar to what I had tried to develop in FM but way better than what I could make on my own.

The only thing that’s tripped me up involves sources. I have seen where historians who use the app have raised this issue in other posts but I didn’t see a good answer. I will link relationships to a single source multiple times. For example, a police report will outline the entire investigation of a crime, so I might create numerous relationships to that source throughout the timeline. But there’s really no way as far as I can see to pinpoint the page/section/ paragraph of the report I am citing to at the relationship level. This would be preferable.

Instead, what I have done is create the source “police report” and then make a source named for the pinpoint citation (eg P1/§5/¶1) that is nested under the “police report” source.

The good part is that if I filter the timeline by source “police report” it will also include the nested sources. The downside is that it’s cumbersome and time consuming to make a new source + relationship for every page of the report I want to cite to. It would be easier if I could just write the citation into a single line text field associated with the relationship.

But I prefer using nested sources to creating “cite 1; cite 2; cite 3” fields for each event (because the relationship between event/fact and source is many-to-many).

If anyone has come up with a better method for citing sources, I’d love to hear it. Thanks.

On second thought I guess I can just add a multi-line field to the event/fact that gives citations for every source. Might be better than nested sources. Upon looking at different posts here, it appears a feature request has already been made for adding properties to relationships.