New use, at least for me

Like Don Quixote before me, I’m engaged in a little standoff with a giant, in this case a government office.

The battle is one of correspondence to bureaucrats, board members, and regulators. They win if I don’t supply information.

For each email or letter I write or receive, I pop up my Aeon Timeline file and open the mindmap for the particular dialog I’m furthering.

An event is created for the letter. The date is set, of course, along with sender and recipient relationships. A link is created back into Devonthink where the document and related notes are stored.

In this way, Aeon sort of becomes a dashboard for my efforts. Entering the correspondence into mindmap view provides a visual tree of initial letters, responses, responses to responses, and on.

The timeline view has a parent event for each dialog. This is working better than other solutions I’ve found for tracking correspondence, and it’s nice to use existing tools for more than one purpose.


Great idea! Thanks for sharing.