New User here on Mac - Some questions

Hi there, I have a few questions as I am trying out this product. Do pardon me if this has been answered before.

  1. Is there a Kanban board in this application? I was watching a YouTube video and saw that there is a narration view. Can I ask how do I activate it?

Kind regards.

Hi. I am a new user too.

The timeline seems to be a great way to have multiple ‘cards’ on a ‘board’. Enter your cards on the spreadsheet view then drag them onto the timeline.

There is a narration view. On your main screen it is called ‘Narrative’, just below the menu.



Some templates don’t have Narrative enabled by default, so if you aren’t seeing it as an option, you can turn it on in Settings.
Click the cog icon, then the Narrative tab, then tick “Track independent narrative”.
While similar in visual appearance it isn’t designed to be a Kanban board, instead it is made to display a narrative order of events (like in a novel).
You could potentially use it visually like a Kanban board, however it wouldn’t be updating your items with their status or anything like that.

Thank you for your reply. Out of curiosity, I would like to ask, Can I just simply use the events and consolidate the events in the narrative? I prefer that I could write within the events and not sync with my Scrivener.

Also, can I ask is the story arc an umbrella term to consolidate all the events?

Aeon Timeline isn’t designed to be able to write your novel itself, instead it is for the planning and organisation of the story. You can put events in the Narrative without syncing with Scrivener, but there isn’t a place to then write the entire story in them.
Story Arc is a way you can organise and view events in the story. You can read more about it here: How To Use Story Arcs - Aeon Timeline 3 Knowledge Base