Narrative Position is still locked to “Don’t Import” when importing a csv/tsv. PLEASE put it in that it can be kept. I’m glad I’m doing my transfer of data when I only have about 100 events in the Narrative, instead of ALL 9 book’s worth of Events - which I will eventually as I finalize the transfer of data from AT2 to AT3.
Same for Ongoing. That field is still not linked to any selectable field so is inoperable and I have to go into every Character that’s still living and every Event that continues on to select the button. Please implement the (currently) assumed possibility.
Same for Initials (locked to “Don’t Import” and there isn’t a field to select for it). I know that’s in another request, but I’ll add it here since it’s the same thing.
Blocked By is in the same boat, but PLEASE include Blocks as well. Why one and not the other? I have both in more than one Event. It’s functionality that needs to be implemented after the problem with Initials is fixed (truncated and ignored Initials mean you can’t place relationships like these).
Links never works - always says “No matching items found” and won’t import the text even at a minimum.