Order of Group in Timeline View

In Timeline view when I tell it to group by what I call “Enoch Week” it puts them out of order. Instead of “Enoch Week One,” “Enoch Week Two,” Enoch Week Three," etc. It puts them in this order: 1, 7, 2, 8, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10. It also does this in relationship view.

They are in the correct order in the Narrative View.

Where is it pulling the order from?

The order of the group by headers in Timeline View and the order of the columns in Relationship view is determined by the order of the entities in their corresponding side panel. If you click on the corresponding icon to your “Enoch Week” on the panel on the left, it will show this list. You can rearrange them in this list by dragging and dropping.

@Jess Nope, I have them in the right order in the side panel and also in the Narrative View. The groupings in the Timeline should be in chronological order, but it is putting them out of order.

I looked in the Spreadsheet and it is out of order also. It seems to be having a problem with the dates going from BC to AD or something.

Why are the dates red? The “Child Range” in red doesn’t make any sense to me.

Are you able to post a screenshot of your Spreadsheet View with the events out of order?
The red dates are showing that the children events of that parent event lie outside its range. The “Child Range” of an event is the range its children covers. For example in Week Two it has a child range starting at 3325 BC which is earlier than its start date of 3225 BC. This is telling you that there is a child event outside the parent’s range (eg. at least one at 3325 BC)

Thanks @Jess, All of the issues were caused by the out-of-range child issues. The Five Ages don’t divide up right with the 10 weeks, not possible to do, but I just wanted them as general divisions. They are correctly 2,000 years each, but that made the child range off, so I just fudged and put the total dates of the weeks in each Age. I would prefer to not have dates at all in the Ages because I’m just using them to divide it up in chunks to make it easier to work with, but it wouldn’t allow leaving the parent without a date range.

Everything now is in order.