Order of the Relationships lists in the Inspector

The relationships panel in the inspector provides an excellent opportunity to view a list of scenes/events in which a character participates or a list of scenes/events that make up a story arc.

But this feature does not work due to the existing way of sorting the list of scenes/events. They are arranged in the order of adding links. If they were arranged according to the timeline or position in the spreadsheet, it would be much more convenient.


Or as a minimum, if it was possible to manually rearrange the order of the relations in those lists…


As an option, only then there will be double work


yes, it will be extra work, but it would at least be possible to get them right…

But I do agree with you, the Relations should be sorted by dates (preferable start dates, then periods, then end dates)… within each relation type…


If I understand properly what you’re asking for, this is possible, though it’s tedious if you have to do it a lot.

In Serabale’s screen capture there’s a list of scenes, out of order: scene2, scene1, scene3. If you click the + sign under the last entry, you’ll get a popup list of all the scenes. Uncheck all the checked entries, then check them again in the right order: scene1, scene2, scene3. (Or you can uncheck scene2 & immediately re-check it, then do the same with scene3. It amounts to the same thing.)

Another thought: Not all relationships are time-based. For example, I have many events connected to people; the relationship is “Participant”. I wouldn’t want those lists sorted by the birth date of the participant — I would usually want to list them either alphabetically (by last name) or in order of importance. For me, that means hand sorting the lists the way I describe above.

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An option would be to have a “sort filter” for Relation types, it could have been set the same way that we set the relationship…
given i.e. some choices in a drop down list.

  • Sort this Relation type chronological
  • Sort this Relation type alphabetical
  • Sort this Relation type manually

In addition just had the positions for the relations in the list manually movable by “click and drag”.

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This is something similar to what I requested during the beta phase. Alphabetical sorting was implemented. But it doesn’t always suit. So a choice for each specific relationship type would be a great idea.


I’d love if we could just click and drag them into the order we want them to be in


I also would love to see the list a drag-and-drop sortable listing, like the item window on the right is, and spreadsheet items are. Right now, with alphabetical, Precursor comes before Subsequent, but the way I use them it should be the other way round. And instead of having “Animal” at the top, I’d put it at the bottom where I don’t have to care that I don’t see it because it’s mostly a place holder. Etc.

Oddly, it’s put Arc in the middle of the listing instead of at the top. So, the items I’ve requested in the settings to be shown in the inspector from inception of the event show up in a somewhat random order, then everything else is alphabetized around those things.

It would be much simpler from the user point of view to drag and drop the items into the order I want than to do it in the settings… but then if I had to drag and drop in every event window, that would get very tedious. Maybe you could put a link to the FAQ page in this request thread that shows how to put the desired relationships into the event page on creation and if that allowed us to put them in the order we wanted?