Problem importing Dates with TSV file


When I import a TSV file AEON ignores my custom meta dates and only recognizes the Created and Modified dates.


As part of set of metadata items I created a Start and End date fields in DevonthinkPro. These are considered custom meta data items.
In addition the file has a Creation Date and Modified Date. These fields are also exported as part of the TVS file.
When AEOn attempts to match fields it sees the Created and Modified* dates but doesn’t appear to recognize that there are two additional date fields.
I don’t understand how the import process works but its almost as though AEON is looking for two date fields to satisfy the Start and End dates. The first fields it finds seem to satisfy the process of tying to match Start and End and AEON doesn’t look for additional fields.

I’d appreciate any thoughts on how to get my custom date fields imported.


Aeon Timeline should be able to let you choose which dates fields you want to import from in your TSV file.

When you are importing your TSV file, and are on the Choose Columns window, is it showing all four of your date fields as columns you potentially can import ? Or just the two?

If it is showing all four of the date fields, then is the problem that the Start Date and End Date options from the dropdown list are unable to be selected for some of the date fields? This may be because it is already selected by another column. Make sure all your date fields are changed to “Don’t import”, then try selecting the Start and End dates that you want to assign again.