Hello. I’m a new user (macOS 14.3 AT 3.3.12) and just have a quick query about how Aeon is saving files/timelines.
I started a timeline, and saved it, however the file itself is invisible in macOS Finder. I couldn’t find it anywhere until I discovered “greyed-out” or “invisible” files in my iCloud folder, an “Aeon Timeline” folder and also a file for the timeline I saved. Neither of these are visible in my Finder unless I use the “shift+command+period” keystroke combination to reveal them (but still greyed out)
I have also dragged the “greyed out” timeline file (after using the keystroke combination to reveal it) to other locations, but these copies are also greyed out/invisible.
I thought there may have been an error when I installed the app, however I clean uninstalled it and reinstalled it, but still my Aeon folder/file are greyed out/invisible.
Is this normal behaviour?
Any thoughts?
Thanks in advance for any help