Scrivener crashes on Sync

New to Aeon v3.0.13 I’ve found that if I have both Aeon and Scrivener open and do a sync Scrivener crashes. The sync seems to complete OK but I have to reopen Scrivener. Not had this problem on earlier versions.

Platform: Mac
OS Version: Mojave
OS Language Setting: UK

Due to the way that the syncing works in version 3, when you do a sync Scrivener should automatically close and reopen with the new sync information. Are you seeing any crash messages when Scrivener closes, or is it just closing and not reopening?

I have the same issue with Scrivener 3.2.3 and Aeon Timeline 3.1.6.

Scrivener closes the document (which is correctly synced, however) and displays an error dialog, saying (in French):

“Le projet à “####.scriv” semble être dans un ancien format, mais semble ne contenir aucun fichier dossier.scrivproj. Le fichier peut être manquant ou corrompu, probablement en raison d’un problème avec l’appareil sur lequel il se trouve, ou d’un problème de synchronisation. Essayez de faire un Ctrl-Clic sur le projet dans le Finder et de sélectionner “Afficher le contenu du package”, puis cherchez un fichier intitulé ‘classeur.scriproj’. Vérifiez qu’il n’a pas été renommé lors de la sauvegarde. Si ce fichier n’existe pas, essayez de le restaurer à partir d’une sauvegarde.”

Is there something that can be done ?

Many thanks in advance,


Hi Guillaume,

We aren’t completely sure what is happening with your syncing. Can you confirm that this is what happens when you are clicking the Sync Now button in Aeon Timeline? Then Scrivener closes, and displays the error message you posted?
Is it possible for you send through to us at

  1. A zip of the Scrivener project before it is synced
  2. A zip of the Scrivener project after you have tried to sync
  3. Your timeline file?
    This may help us replicate the issue and work out what is going on.