September 2022 labelled as August

Platform & OS Version

Platform: Mac
OS Version: MacOS 12.5
OS Language Setting: English

App Version

Version: 3.1.8
Application Shell: 3.1.6

Problem Description + Screenshots

The September 2022 calendar widget says August at the top.

Screenshot 2022-08-20 at 12.52.23

Steps to reproduce

It seems to be specific to this one project - I opened a different project (a historical one) and tried accessing the calendar for 2022 and it looks fine. It also only seems to affect this one month - all the rest are fine.

I also tried creating a new project using the same template (Project Management->Marketing) - the only customisation I used initially was to set the week start to a Monday. However the September calendar looks fine in this project also.

It seems to be intrinsic to the file, since the same error appears on my iPhone (iOS 15).

Any relevant files?

I will send the file via email.

Thanks for reporting this to us, I have already replied by email, but in case anyone else is having the same issue I thought I would also reply here.

It is caused specifically when you open the calendar date picker on an end date which is the end of the month. (eg. 31st Aug). It will then show the next month (eg. Sept) with the correct dates, but with the previous month name.

I have created a ticket for our developers to fix this at the earliest opportunity.

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