Shortcut Key?

I know CTRL-End takes you to the bottom of a page.
But I’m wondering if there is a CTRL key to go the end of the right side?
I’m in Narrative mode now by the way.

Try Ctrl+right arrow as your first shortcut, then Ctrl+END.

Alternatively, try Ctrl+down arrow and then Ctrl+right arrow. Starting with the Ctrl+down arrow rather than Ctrl+END keeps the bottom row selected, which is necessary for the Ctrl+right arrow to function.

If you use this often, you could create a keyboard macro to do both. In my case, I would use my Elgato Stream Deck to make a multi-action key that executes both shortcuts in order. (If you go this route, use the Ctrl+right arrow as the first one to be executed; for some reason, using the Ctrl+down arrow key first doesn’t work correctly.)

Hmm, again I’m on the Narrative screen.
I have like 30+ chapters going across.
Some chapters are longer and go down further.
If you hit CTRL-End it will go to the bottom of the page.

Then l tried both CTRL-down arrow and CTRL-right arrow and then all the other arrows and nothing is happening.

If you let off of CTRL and just hit the arrows it will go left and right but very slowly.
Also I do have a mouse that will move the bar left and right but would have to increase the speed to get to the end fast.

I think I’m doing everything right but it don’t look like CTRL-Right or Left will move the bar either way.

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My apologies. I was on the Outline screen. I should have read your posting more carefully.

We’ll probably need to hear from the developers, then. I don’t know how to do that, either.

In my setup, I use a Kensington Expert Wireless Trackball Mouse which has a weighted scroll ring that spins just outside the ball itself. I give the ring a quick flick-spin while holding the shift key, which quickly moves the Outline screen horizontally. Usually, one spin gets me to the end (I have nearly the same number of chapters in my current WIP as you). Using this spinning ring to navigate the Narrative screen quickly has become second nature. I know trackballs aren’t for everybody, but I thought I would mention it.

There isn’t an explicit shortcut to scroll to the end, but you could use the Select Last Item shortcut available from the Navigation->Selection menu. (The menu will show which shortcut keys to use for this, which is dependent on your operating system).
This would scroll to the last item in the Narrative View and select it.

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This gives me an idea for a feature request, which I’ll post under that category.