Showing item property or properties on timeline

Is there any way to do this? I’ve created some custom item types with custom properties, mostly option lists or integers, and I’d like these values to show up on the timeline view along with the item. Doesn’t seem possible though. Maybe there’s some sort of string interpolation available in the label field?

You can display custom properties on the Timeline by clicking on the “Item Display” button on the bottom left of the Timeline View (card icon).

This will popup a list of checkboxes, where you can check which properties and other information you want to display. For any custom properties, click on the Arrow next to “Properties” to expand the list, and select which ones you want to display.

Sorry, I wasn’t clear, that isn’t what I meant.

I have events and such with custom properties (properties I’ve created). I’d like those to show up on the timeline. They aren’t available to pick from in the item card popup you mentioned – I only see the standard / built-in properties there, and not even all of them. For example events have fields like “tags”, “notes”, and “tension”. None of those are available, nor are custom ones I’ve created for that particular event type.

What version of the app are you using? This ability was added recently, so it may be that you are using an older version, and therefore don’t have access to it.

That may be it. I’m on 3.1.9, but not eligible for any more free updates. Thanks, I’ll check the release notes and pricing.