Suggestions as a newbie

Ok, since I’m only getting into AT3 now take these suggestions with a dose of my ignorance as I may yet have not discovered that it can be done.

I’m outlining.

I would like to have the ability in whatever tab I’m in, that when I create an event it automatically puts it an hour later, or a day, I don’t care as long as it leaves room in terms of time to insert another event. If I move an event between two other events I would like it to shift all the following events forward an hour, or a day. I just don’t want the bother of putting in dates and times . . . yet. I can do that later. I just want to create a linear event timeline and be able to shift around with auto timing of those events. Characters, details, story arcs, all those I can add later. I don’t want to think about those things at this point. I just want the freedom to add quickly in the way I’ve described. Adding events is becoming a pain the way I have been doing it (I may have been doing it incorrectly).

Cheers AT3 team. Loving it otherwise :crossed_fingers:


I love AT3 for outlining. In case it helps, I’ve outlined my novel series entirely in Outline view. I didn’t insert dates until later. I freely moved events around as needed. I’m not sure why you’re not experiencing the same flexibility, but maybe it’s because you’re creating events in a view other than Outline or Narrative views. Are you?

I stripped all my scenes of dates, times etc and you’re right made it a lot easier. I’m outlining mostly in narrative view and avoiding the timeline altogether until I feel my structure is right. I think I’m posting to early my problems ahead of my slow learning brain with the software. Thanks for the reply


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I’m glad you worked it out. There is a bit of a learning curve, for sure.