If you haven’t seen it already, our documentation on Scrivener syncing is located here:
When you sync with Scrivener, you choose a folder in your project (eg. Manuscript) to sync with the Narrative View in Aeon Timeline. Unless you mark it to be ignored, all folders/documents in this folder will be synced to events in the Narrative in Aeon Timeline and vice versa.
Therefore in regards to your first couple of questions, often duplicates can occur when syncing if you already have an event in your project that corresponds to a document in Scrivener, but it is not on the Narrative View (eg. you only have it on the timeline). If you don’t tell the syncing process that these are the same event, it will add a new one to the Narrative that corresponds to the document in Scrivener, and therefore this will result in duplicate events.
To not have this, when you start the syncing process you need to assign any documents in Scrivener to their corresponding events in Aeon Timeline if they exist. You can do this by clicking on the document in the sync binder, and next to where it says Timeline: Create New in the panel on the right, click the Change button, and choose the corresponding event to sync to. This process is documented in the help article here: Getting Started with Syncing - Aeon Timeline 3 Knowledge Base
To find which events are linked to your Scrivener documents, you can click on the document in the sync binder, and then click on the name of the event listed next to “Timeline” on the panel on the right. This will highlight the event in the current view, and will let you know which events are synced with Scrivener.
Just so you know if you do accidentally delete a document in Scrivener through the syncing process, these are not deleted permanently, instead they are put in the Trash folder, so you will be able to recover them.
In regards to syncing other properties such as characters, dates etc. you can sync these with Scrivener, however you have to set these up in Sync Settings. You can read more about Sync Settings and how to set it up here: Sync Settings - Aeon Timeline 3 Knowledge Base
When syncing dates and other properties, these will appear in Scrivener as custom metadata for each document. Relationships with characters, themes etc. can also appear as custom metadata, or be linked to keywords. You can also sync your character list to character folders, or the same for other entity types.
If you want to create a new event in Aeon Timeline that will be synced in Scrivener, you just need to add it to the Narrative View. If you add dates to it, it will also appear other views such as Timeline View, however the events in the Narrative View are what Scrivener syncs to.
I hope this is helpful, let us know if you have any more questions.