I’m currently reviewing Aeon Timeline in the free trial version for a writing project. I’m currently in the plotting stage and thought Aeon Timeline would help me better visualize and comprehend the complex chronological structure of my story.
Unfortunately in timeline view there is no option to organize events by day. The available layout options only allow events to flow to the top of the timeline visualisation depending on the length of the event’s description, but not based on chronological properties.
The problem for me as a plotting writer is the following: While time is continuous (as it is handled in Aeon Timeline), the lives of most people are structured by the repeating pattern of days. Most people do certain things in the mornings (e.g. work), afternoons (work more), evenings (spend time with their family, do sports, meet friends), and nights (sleep). And when I plot a story about several people that interact with each other during their workweek, I need to be able to visualize and move events around in this tabular school-timetable-like structure of time. A purely chronological display, where breakfast follows dinner instead of being placed at the beginning of a new day, is confusing for this purpose.
For that reason, the lack of a traditional calendar view seems to become a dealbreaker for me. I love many things about Aeon Timeline, but this lack is such an obstacle to my understanding of my story, that I’m forced to go back to scraps of paper that I can move around on my desk.
It would be nice to know whether you are working on this feature or not and when we could expect it.